Bristol Central Labour Serving Bristol since 1924
Clifton Ward

With an estimated population of 13,300 Clifton ward covers the area between Bridge Valley Road and the Feeder in the west, Pembroke Road and Jacobs Wells Road in the east, the Downs to the north and Rosemont Terrace to the south. These individual districts are known as Hotwells, Clifton, Clifton Wood and Clifton Village. The ward includes the famous Brunel-built Clifton Suspension Bridge, the 1970s splendidly brutalist Roman Catholic Cathedral and (for the time being) Bristol Zoo Gardens. Clifton Village has a distinct character due to its mix of shops, restaurants and green spaces.
Clifton is an outwardly prosperous area marked by its rows and crescents of Georgian townhouses and Victorian villas. According to the Bristol City Council ward profile, over 90% of its residents say they are happy living there. Life expectancy is significantly better than average and amongst the highest in Bristol and the ward has a high quality of life. The ward also has quite a significant number of young professionals (29%), mostly living in private rented accommodation. Only 9 % of the population of Clifton are children aged between 0 and 15. Housing remains a hidden issue, however, since Clifton has significant pockets where buildings in poor repair are multiply occupied.